

Services: General Contractor

In this section:

Design Build

Construction Management

General Contractor

A General Tender is when fully completed drawings and specifications are issued to contractors to provide a lump sum price at the end of a three week tender period.  Since the design of the architectural, mechanical and electrical systems are complete and specific products are specified in the design, this restricts some subcontractors or suppliers from providing pricing or offer further savings for systems and materials. 

The architect then usually works with the low contractor to complete the project. Usually the architect likes to approve a list of bidders that he has confidence in and knows he can work with. With this system sometimes sub trades and the contractor bid too low by error or sometimes intentionally.  This leads the subtrade and contractor to claim for any extras possible at inflated costs and sometime leads to deficient material and workmanship.  There is also potential for controversy between the architect and contractor on some issues which at times leads into legal matters for the Owner. These problems have led Owners to look at the other methods of construction to try to avoid these conflicts.

Construction begins two weeks after selection of the contractor.


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