

Services: Design Build

In this section:

Design Build

Construction Management

General Contractor

A Design Build tender is when the design, development of drawings and specifications and construction are the sole responsibility of the contractor. The design build contractor provides a lump sum price and design at the end of a four week tender period. The design builder includes the structural design, mechanical and electrical engineering and architectural costs in his price which will be a lower fee than if it was a General Tender. Usually the design build contractor will work with a few specific trades during tendering as they design and price the project at the same time.  They know the trade is capable of designing and following up to complete the work with minimal supervision. We feel this limits competitive pricing.

With this process, there is no second party to verify quality of work or methods as the contractor is fully responsible for the project.  The evaluation of the quotes are difficult as there is no standard specification to follow.  We recommend the owner have a good knowledge of construction so he can evaluate the quotes and monitor the construction or hire an agent to do this.

Full construction drawings begin upon acceptance of the Design Build Contractor.

Construction starts after the design builder completes the construction drawings.


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